将 Async/Await 与生成器函数结合使用
ES2015 为开发者社区带来了许多 JavaScript 语言的新功能。这些功能包括生成器函数和 async/await。生成器函数可让您暂停和继续执行程序。相比之下,async/await 可让您编写异步代码,而不会陷入“回调地狱”,而编写标准承诺时则有可能陷入这种困境。乍一看,这些功能似乎毫无关联。但是,在本指南中,我将向您展示如何在生成器函数上使用 async/await。
生成器函数可以运行至完成,但并非必须如此。到目前为止,在 Javascript 中,函数始终运行至完成。现在我们可以编写永不停止“运行”的生成器函数。我将其放在引号中,因为生成器函数不会陷入无限循环。只是我们可能不需要执行函数的其余部分。
function* fetchData() {...}
// or
function * fetchData() {...}
// or
function *fetchData() {...}
function* fetchData() {
const data = yield fetchMovies();
function* fetchMovies() {
const data = yield fetch();
const iter = fetchData();
iter.next(); // run the generator function up to the `yield` keyword.
next()方法返回一个具有两个属性(value 和 done)的对象。value是传递给yield函数的值, done是一个布尔值,用于告知生成器是否已完成执行。此对象也称为IteratorResult接口(来自规范)。
function* fetchUsers() {
yield fetch('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users')
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(users => {
return users;
const usersIt = fetchUsers();
usersIt.next().value.then(resp => console.log(resp));
复习一下 Async/Await
- 始终返回承诺
- 函数声明前需要async关键字
- 使用 try/catch 块来处理“被拒绝”的承诺
- Lets you skip putting .then(...) on async calls
Async functions can help improve the readability of asynchronous code. For a function to use async/await, it only needs to be declared as async. Here's an example of the fetchUsers function rewritten into a strictly async function (no generator):
async function fetchUsers() {
const response = await fetch('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users');
const users = await response.json();
return users;
You can still make this function a generator and pause the function whenever you'd like:
async function* fetchUsers() {
const response = await fetch('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users');
yield await response.json();
const it = fetchUsers();
it.next().then(({ value, done }) => {
What you may notice here is that the next() method isn't returning the IteratorResult interface { value, done }. It is instead returning a promise. This is because async functions return promises. Calling next() advances function execution and returns any value passed to the next yield. Since this is an async function, that value will be a promise that needs to be resolved. In this case, the promise will resolve with the value of response.json(). That resolved value is still assigned to the iterator's { value, done } object, which I am destructuring in the code above.
Remember, when executing an async generator:
- Advancing an async generator function with next() will return a promise
- That promise will resolve with the IteratorResult interface of { value, done }
I hope this helps explain how to use async/await with a generator function. For more on generators, please check out my course Javascript Generators and Iterators, where I give a complete introduction with examples of generator functions and iterators.
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