专业人士的 LinkedIn
如果不面对人们,你如何讲述自己的故事?答案是使用 LinkedIn。它是专业人士的终极社交媒体平台,在本指南中,我们将介绍如何设置您的个人资料并让您在 LinkedIn 上脱颖而出。
为什么选择 LinkedIn
公司分布非常广泛,人们越来越倾向于聘用最适合这份工作的候选人,而不是某个特定地点的候选人。因此,您的 LinkedIn 个人资料就是您的新电梯推销。
清晰、简洁地讲述你的故事很重要,但使用 LinkedIn 时,你只有三秒钟讲述你的故事,而不是三十秒钟。没错,一般人在社交媒体上会给你三秒钟的时间,然后才会决定是留下还是离开。你最好把它做好。
LinkedIn 是最专业的社交媒体平台。LinkedIn 上 90% 的内容都与专业相关。
LinkedIn 已成为新的简历。如果有人在 LinkedIn 上找到您,您希望他们看到什么?在开始在 LinkedIn 上发布内容之前,您需要确保您的个人资料设置正确并且您的内容已准备好在黄金时段发布。请记住,当您开始分享时,算法将开始向人们展示您的内容,因此您需要确保给人留下正确的第一印象。
- Profile Picture: This should be a clear, professional picture of you. I recommend having professional dress, and even more importantly make sure you are looking at the camera, smiling, and have good lighting. A picture taken by a professional is best, but you can use your phone (no selfie) with the timer and some basic photo editing if you need to change the lighting or remove a background. I recommend Lightroom (https://lightroom.adobe.com/) for very simple editing and (www.remove.bg) to remove a background for free.
- Work Experience: Your profile needs to be completely up to date, just like a resume. Make sure you continually update your LinkedIn. The nice thing is that, unlike a resume, a LinkedIn profile does not need to fit on a page so you can be more lenient. You can also share a little more about yourself and things you do outside of work. It also needs to be professional and have no spelling mistakes. I do not recommend writing your profile in third person as you would not write your resume in third person. Additionally, you can upload assets, deliverables, and websites to your work sections. I highly recommend you do that as actions speak louder than words. Showcasing your work is very key.
- Intro: Make sure your intro section gives a quick snapshot of not only what you do but who you are. Pick three things about you professionally/personally that you plan to share and create easy-to-read bullet points that someone could read in three seconds—because that is about how long they will stay on your page. In my introduction. I say what I do, but also a little bit about me and what people can expect to see me posting about.
- About: Your About section should talk about yourself in paragraph form, whereas the intro section is more in snippets. I recommend focusing more on work experience and overall skill set. Mine is a simple and easy-to-read paragraph that gives a synopsis of what I detail in my work experience section.
How Personal Should I Get?
A year ago I would have told you to avoid anything personal on LinkedIn, but it appears the lines are now blurring. I would tell you to post to your level of comfort, but it’s OK to share personal things, especially if they can be brought into a work post. For example, sharing about how your employer supports you being a working parent. Or how your employer has enabled you to go back to school.
However, I do not recommend posting anything controversial. If you have to think about whether you should post or not, you probably shouldn’t.
LinkedIn is what many people will find first when they look for you, so make it great. Make yourself stand out and make your profile a place that people keep coming back to.
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